Alaska International Business Center Opening Hong Kong Trade Office

“China is now—and has been for the past thirteen years—Alaska’s largest overseas export market, with shipments from Alaska to China exceeding $1 billion annually. China is typically the largest buyer in virtually all of the state’s major export categories. It makes sense for us to have a presence in this important market on behalf of our business community,” says Greg Wolf, akIBC’s president and CEO.

The announcement was made July 1, coinciding with the 27th anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom.

Wolf says akIBC chose Hong Kong for an office presence because it has historically been friendly to business as a world-class hub for trade, investment, and logistics. “For years we have been recommending Alaska companies, especially the small- and medium-sized ones, utilize the business friendly, and familiar business environment that Hong Kong possesses to build their trade and commerce with China,” he says.

Read More: Alaska International Business Center Opening Hong Kong Trade Office

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